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Klanten aan het woord ZuidAfrika
Familie Rijntjes

Returning to the Netherlands from South Africa in 2012 amidst financial uncertainty, we sought secure investments and found BeSmart, ensuring steady growth and peace of mind.

In short after leaving the Netherlands for South Africa my family and I returned in 2012 during a time of great uncertainty including uncertainty in the financial world with the banking system under pressure. On returning we needed to find a place for our savings (our future pension in essence) with the aim of keeping the capital intact and inflation linked. Initially we invested our savings in various money accounts keeping the €100,000 deposit guarantee in mind.

With falling interest rates and more stability in the financial markets we decided to look for an alternative to the money market and whilst searching the possibilities came across a asset management consulting firm De Beleggingsassistent via the internet. Not knowing our way around in the Netherlands, we felt that we were able to make a better-informed choice about our investments including more confidence in selecting out of a myriad of investment managers guided by De Beleggingsassistent.

With markets more stable our expectations, needs and aims changed and we were looking for a wider spread of investments allowing for a smoother growth of our investments and have this managed cost effectively too. BeSmart discussed and offered a broader portfolio based on ETF’s that allowed for both.

Our investments are exposed to the stock market with all the ups and downs, something we understand, but, historically at least, these exposures offer the best change for above inflationary growth. Overall the performance of our portfolio has been satisfactory, and we have peace of mind that our port folio is invested in such a manner that it will allow for steady growth with our needs and aims in mind. In respect of the latter we meet and review our portfolio, needs and aims periodically with BeSmart visiting and doing a full presentation of result with commentary regarding the market performance.

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van onze klanten

Klanten aan het woord Schipper


Samen behaalden we doelen, doorstonden uitdagingen en creëerden een stabiele start. Met regelmatig contact en zorg voor mijn beleggingen, voel ik me als schipper gerust bij BeSmart.